Your art isn't in the equipment you use. It's in the way you see the world.
RSVP Tickets through Eventbrite
In this hands-on workshop, you will learn the fundamental techniques for creating beautiful prussian blue cyanotypes. The workshop will guide you through the difference in traditional and modern techniques and the pros and cons of each method. You will learn how to prepare paper, coat the paper, expose your image, and wash and tone your print. By the end of the workshop you will have one finished cyanotype print.
At least three days before the workshop, email two high-resolution digital photographs you would like to print to Your photographs can be in color or black and white, and they can be taken with any kind of camera or mobile phone. We will prepare your digital negatives for you prior to the workshop.
All other materials will be provided and participants will receive a set of chemicals and a fine art brush. If you have any questions, you can send us an email to and we'll get back to you.
About the Artist
Matt Milligan is a New York-based artist making handmade prints using layers of inkjet, cyanotype, and platinum-palladium techniques. With cyanotype and other alternative photographic processes, he imbeds organic materials from his subject matter into his prints and, in turn, the stories he tells. His recent work includes a series of photographs and interviews made during the pandemic with local people and businesses in his neighborhood.
Refund policy Due to a limited number of spots in the workshop and the preparation involved, there are no refunds after March 22.